My friends and I did a Secret Santa art exchange and here is the painting I made for my good friend Clam. Thanks Kristina for making this happen. I'm looking forward to next year.
My design of Arden Wood, from the Shakespeare play As You Like It. First time with a visual development assignment in my illustration class. I also designed two forests from the plays Midsummer Night's Dream and Macbeth. I'll post those once I put the finishing touches on them.
For my intermediate illustration class with Alice (Bunny) Carter, I have to do 25 studies of natures a week. I'm really practicing on getting looser with my drawing style and understanding values. We are preparing to paint three forests we are designing, and I can not wait to start painting!
Acrylic object studies for my "tide pool" class with professor Alice Carter, a.k.a Bunny. Right now I am preparing to design/paint/render three Shakespearean forests this semester. The three forests are from Macbeth, As You Like It, and A Midsummer Nights Dream. Oh yeah, I'm looking forward to this semester!
I spent the month of June in Paris, taking a class on creativity with my professor John Clapp. During that time, my outlook on life and art changed drastically thanks to the creative exercises and constant wise words of John. Self exploration became the theme of the trip for me, so the sketchbook I carried contains mostly notes, scribbles, and some journal entries. Here are some pages I thought looked finished enough to put on the blog.
This is the 80 hour color rendering I did for my intermediate illustration class. The original painting is 8x8 inches. I used the low key, limited palette adjusted with a touch of yellow-orange for the final piece. Below are color comps, experimenting with analogous, atmospheric perspective, limited neutralized, and split complimentary color pallets.
Plen air painting with Cameron Chun, the instructor for my intermediate illustration class, and the rest of my peers at Monte Bello near the Santa Cruz Mountains. It was my first time ever painting outside and painting a landscape. I think I have discovered my new passion!
A few figure drawings from the past Spring semester. The bottom two I used for the SJSU A/I portfolio. Yey! I got in the program! The top two figure drawings were done after I finished my portfolio. After that, my figure drawings improved a good amount. Maybe I was celebrating through my drawings. Hmmm...
I spent about 90 hours on this rendering for my 113A class: intermediate illustration. This was my first time doing representational painting, and I had a good time learning. I find matching values to be a lot of fun, and I can't wait to apply it to future work. :)
These are from the Shrunken Head Man life drawing marathon during winter break. The last weekend we did figure painting, which was a new experience for me. The painting on here was a 3 hour pose I painted with my palette knife.
This reversal took me about 80 hours total. I wiped it out and started over 50 hours in and completed it in 30 hours. I really enjoyed this project because it taught me how to see shapes accurately using the method of squinting.
I know it is a little late, but better late than never. I orginaly wanted to start this blog in the beginning of 112a, so I will begin my posts with those sketches.